Yummy Melon Software


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Help on sending email to SMS phones and back

The following link shows
how to send an SMS message via email. For US providers, this is a fairly straightforward list:

  • T-Mobile: phonenumber@tmomail.net

  • Virgin Mobile: phonenumber@vmobl.com

  • Cingular: phonenumber@cingularme.com

  • Cingular/AT&T: phonenumber@mmode.com

  • Sprint: phonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com

  • Verizon: phonenumber@vtext.com

  • Nextel: phonenumber@messaging.nextel.com

  • Alltel: phonenumber@message.alltel.com

where phonenumber = your 10 digit phone number

When using rimo, Cingular/AT&T users
should prepend a "1" in front of the phone number.

rimo 0.2 ALPHA released

rimo lets you execute commands on Unix based systems via an email from a known address sent to an IMAP4 account. rimo is designed to be run as a cron process; rimo scans the IMAP4 account for new rimo email messages and executes the command specified in them. The scanned email messages have their flags set to "seen" so that subsequent scans will not re-execute the commands. The intent of rimo is to allow for job dispatch and control via non-traditional clients such as a cell phone.

Try it out and join the Yummy Melon Mailing list to let me know what you think!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Stay tuned to this channel -

About to release a new tool for more IMAP SMS fun - stay tuned ...

"I caught you a delicious bass."

Saturday, October 01, 2005

nugu 0.5 BETA released

nugu 0.5 BETA has been released. In this release two new features have been added:

  • --notruncate command line option, so that messages that are relayed are not truncated. Note that message attachments such a binary files are not relayed, regardless of this switch.

  • --abbreviate command line option, an attempt to do text readable compression by removing vowels in words that are greater than 4 characters in length.

Try it out and please feel free to send feedback by joining the Yummy Melon Mailing List and posting your comments there.